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Thursday, 15 January 2009

Enforcing Your Rights In Bone Injury Cases A Matter Of Representation

The repercussions of an accident related personal injury that wasn't your fault can be serious and long lasting. In the case of bone fractures the costs financially, professionally, and otherwise can literally turn a victim's life upside down. You are entitled to fair and equitable compensation. There are many factors that go into determining and calculating adequate compensation for a fracture injury beyond the injury itself. In fact, there are factors you may not have previously considered. Issues such as medical bills, the cost of prescriptions, surgery, and the need to attend physical therapy sessions for months if not years can be very costly in terms of current and future earnings, and these lost wages must be factored in. Qualified attorneys such as the ones at Nadrich and Cohen will be able to present your case in a way that ensures that all of your lost income, as well as full compensation for all future earnings, will be factored into your settlement.Exactly how significant of a settlement can you expect for a bone injury? Again there are a number of variables that apply to each individual case. These factors include whether or not your injuries required surgery, how your recovery from your injuries progresses and ultimately turns out, the likelihood of future pain and disability, and even whether the judges in the area of your case tend to hand out liberal or conservative awards. Then, of course, there is the likelihood that other injuries may have been caused by the accident. Taking all the variables into account, settlement estimates could range anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of dollars.With so many factors in play, it underscores the need for a qualified attorney to champion your case and protect your rights. The attorneys of Nadrich and Cohen, LLP are experts in personal injury law and in representing bone fracture victims. Whatever your injuries may be, they bring a wealth of experience on behalf of each client they represent.

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